Honor Freeman, Flood Tide, 2012, porcelain. Purchased with funds from the Roger Pietri Bequest 2015
By including a gift to MAG&M in your Will, you will play a vital role in ensuring the Gallery is fit for purpose as Northern Beaches’ major cultural institution well into its second centenary.
MAG&M is an Australian story of vision, generosity, intergenerational commitment, and at points,
sheer determination. Giving is at the core of MAG&M’s DNA, with the gallery itself built to house its first work Middle Harbour from Manly Heights by James R Jackson, funded through community donations and local council support. Since 1924, private bequests and donations have been fundamental to MAG&M’s evolution.
Significant contributions from Antonio Dattilo-Rubbo in 1939 - 1955, Colonel Alfred Spain in 1940, P.S.
Garling in 1947, Lady Mollie Askin in 1984, Theo Batten in 2002, and Roger Pietri in 2015 have enabled MAG&M to grow and expand, building its enduring cultural legacy for future generations.
Thank you for considering making a bequest to MAG&M. It is an extraordinary act of generosity that will be a lasting tribute to your support and vision.
Making a Bequest
Any gift you make, no matter the size, makes a vital contribution to MAG&M far beyond your lifetime.
Types of gifts can include:
• Pecuniary: a gift of a fixed amount of money from your estate
• Percentage: a gift of a nominated percentage of your estate
• Residual: a gift amounting to whatever remains in your estate after your loved ones are cared for
• Artwork: a gift of artwork(s) from your estate
You can choose to direct your bequest to one of the following areas:
• MAG&M generally
• Building renewal and development
• Centre for Environmental Art & Design
• Collection acquisitions
• Collection care
• Exhibitions
• Public programs and education
In each of these cases, we invite you to speak with the team at MAG&M so that we can discuss how your gift will be accepted and applied. We accept artworks aligned with our Collection Acquisition Policy.
Wording Your Bequest
If you are planning to remember MAG&M in your Will, suitable wording for your bequest can include:
I give, free of all duties, taxes and charges, to Manly Art Gallery and Museum ABN 57 284 295 198 of West Esplanade, Manly, New South Wales... [insert one of the following]
• the sum of $ [insert amount]
• [insert number] % of my estate
• the residue of my estate
• my [details of specific artwork(s)]
for... [insert one of the following]
• its general purposes
• building renewal and development
• Centre for Environmental Art & Design
• collection acquisitions
• collection care
• exhibitions
• public programs and education
I declare that the receipt of a proper officer for the time being of Manly Art Gallery & Museum will be a full and sufficient discharge to my trustees.
How We Thank You
Once you notify us of your pledged bequest, you will
• Have your name listed on MAG&M’s online bequest page and foyer screen (at your discretion)
• Receive invitations to exhibition openings
• Receive invitations to special previews and events
• Receive monthly online MAG&M What’s On
(02) 8495 5036