Friday, 14 March 2025 - 10:30 am to 02:30 pm
Find out about the many local groups and activities for seniors on the Northern Beaches with over 40 organisations featured.
Speak with representatives from government and peak organisations including Service NSW, Services Australia and Carers NSW and hear presentations on important topics.
Don't miss out on lucky door prizes, your beverage voucher and giveaways.
The expo is free to attend. No need to register.
Free transport can be arranged. Phone Easylink Community Transport: 9919 0700. Conditions apply.
Expo Program
- 10.35am: Welcome address - Northern Beaches Mayor, Sue Heins
- 11.10am: Presentation (Luana Room) - Overview of aged pension, carers allowance and carers payment, Centrelink Financial Information Service
- 11.10am: Presentation (Jackson Room) - Changes to and accessing aged care, Carers NSW
- 12.10pm: Presentation (Luana Room) - Overview of NSW Government concessions, rebates and assistance, Service NSW.
- 12.10pm: Presentation (Jackson Room) - The importance of planning ahead for end of life, including documents to have in place - COTA NSW
- 1.10pm: Performance - Third Age Rock Orchestra, "The Soundtrack of Our Lives".
- 2.00pm: Lucky door prizes draw
- 2.30pm: Expo ends
Organisations featured at the expo include:
Community Development - Northern Beaches Council | Dee Why RSL Camera Club | MWP Care | Seniors Rights Service |
Balgowlah Rotary Club | Dee Why School for Seniors | Northern Beaches Creative Leisure & Learning | Services Australia |
Belong Club - Proveda | Forest Computer Pals | Northern Beaches Dementia Alliance | Service NSW |
Care Finders - Yourside | Guide Dogs Australia | Northern Beaches Multicultural Communities & Scalabrini Villages | Solar and Energy Roadshow - Northern Beaches Council |
Carer Gateway | Home Library Service - Northern Beaches Libraries | Northern Beaches Prostate Cancer Support Group | Spill the Beans NSW - Community Writing Group |
Carers NSW | ID Support NSW | NUTS Ukulele Group | Stroke Recovery NSW |
Centre for Volunteering | Lifeline Northern Beaches | Peninsula Dining Club | U3A - University of the Third Age |
Computer Pals for Seniors - Northern Beaches | Local Studies and Family History - Northern Beaches Libraries | Pittwater/Narrabeen Parkinson's Support Group | Warringah Aquatic Centre - Northern Beaches Council |
COTA - Council on the Ageing NSW | Lyn-Rose Quilting | Relationships Australia: Let's Talk - Elder Support & Mediation Services, | Warringah VIEW Club |
Cribbage Club | Manly Computer Pals for Seniors | Road Safety Team - Northern Beaches Council | Davidson-Belrose Probus Club |
Cancer Council NSW | Dementia Advisory Service - Anglicare |
Part of Seniors Festival
No bookings required.
Contact information
Community Development - Northern Beaches Council