
Need help? If you are in immediate danger, please call Triple Zero (000)

Domestic and family violence occurs when someone who has a close personal relationship with you makes you feel afraid, powerless or unsafe. It can be physical, but can also be emotional and psychological. Anyone can experience domestic and family violence. It happens across communities, ages, cultures and genders. Women are almost three times more likely than men to have experienced violence by a partner since the age of 15 (ABS, 2017).

Domestic violence takes many forms aiming to control, intimidate, terrify or coerce another person. It includes physical, sexual, verbal, psychological, mental, and emotional abuse. Also stalking, harassment, financial abuse and manipulation, denial of freedom or choice and control of access to family and friends. Council is committed to addressing domestic and family violence in our community.

Available Support

Domestic abuse doesn’t discriminate between race, gender, sexuality, culture or religion. Anyone can be affected.

These confidential hotlines are available 24hrs:

To be connected to a free translating and interpreting service (TIS) call 131 450 

Crisis Accommodation

Northern Beaches Women's Shelter(Opens in a new window)
9977 7772

Women and Children First (Opens in a new window)
(formerly Manly Warringah Women’s Resource Centre)
9971 4499

For help to access local support

Northern Beaches Domestic Violence Triage Service
Call 0404 445 940

  • This service operates 7 days a week, 9.30am to 8pm.
  • Triage service is a first point of contact to help access appropriate local support.
  • It is not a crisis service however every enquiry will be responded to within 24 hours.
  • Coordinated by the Northern Beaches Domestic Violence Network. 

Women & Children

Northern Beaches Women's Shelter(Opens in a new window)
02 9977 7772
For crisis support & emergency accommodation for single women or women & children 

 Women and Children First (Opens in a new window)
(formerly Manly Warringah Women’s Resource Centre)
9971 4499 
For crisis support & emergency accommodation for women & children. 

Women's Resilience Centre
02 9979 1865
1300 895 991
For long term support and recovering for women & children or single women. 

Mary's House - Daisy Centre
Northern Sydney Region
1800 002 111

Domestic Violence Response Enhancement 
9am - 5pm: 9488 2400 
After hours: 9488 2580

Northern Sydney Family Connect and Support(Opens in a new window)
1800 066 757

Children & Youth

In responding to issues relating to children, our Child Safety page suggests many resources offering advice and help.

Kids Helpline for ages 5 - 25 years 
1800 55 1800

Child Protection Helpline 
123 111

Taldumande Youth Sevices for ages 12 - 24 years 
For child and youth homelessness 
02 9460 3777

Burdekin Association
For child and youth homelessness
02 8976 1777

Avalon Youth Hub for ages 12 - 25 years 
0487 936 875

Counselling, Information and Support

Lifeline Northern Beaches(Opens in a new window)
02 9949 5552
For low cost counselling sessions. This service is available to all individuals, no referral is required and no limit on sessions. Bulk billing is available for those with a Mental Health Care Plan. 
Sessions available in Balgowlah, Manly or Mosman. 
See also their support group for women

Relationships Australia Dee Why 
1300 364 227
651 Pittwater Rd, Dee Why


Our Financial assistance page provides information on support services for community members affected by domestic violence and financial abuse.

First Nations

Aboriginal Family Domestic Violence 
1800 019 123

13YARN (24/7 crisis hotline) 
13 92 76 

Seniors and disability

Ageing & Disability abuse helpline 
(previously Elder Abuse Line)
1800 628 221



1300 789 978

Catholic Care
13 18 19

Drop In Service

LocalKind (formerly Community Northern Beaches)
Domestic and Family Violence Service
02 9977 1066
52 Raglan St, Manly

Court Support and Case Management

Worried about your behaviour?

If you think you controlling or hurting someone and you want to change your behaviour, support is available for you.

For information on services and programs:


Northern Beaches Domestic Violence Network

Northern Beaches Domestic Violence Network is an interagency which comprises representatives from local domestic violence services, local government, police and other stakeholders. Council has a pivotal role on this network to work in partnership with key services and community groups.

We work collaboratively to raise awareness and seek to use approaches that prevent domestic and family abuse within our local area. For more information please email.