The Mermaid Pools Bushcare Group is celebrating their 20th anniversary this year. The group started out as a Clean Up Australia Day event led by several dedicated local residents. As the clean up was underway, the group noticed that this beautiful area was becoming impacted by weeds and other issues so they formed the group to aid the restoration and rehabilitation of the site.
Mermaid Pools is located on the edge of Manly Dam, with the site boasting a beautiful waterfall and creek which leads to Manly Lagoon. Restoration on the site has resulted in significant improvements, with a reduction in weeds and rubbish as well as the return of bandicoots (after a 40-year absence!), swamp wallabies, dwarf green tree frogs and 10 species of native fish.
The group's main objective has been to remove weeds, restore the area to its natural state, protect habitat, preserve biodiversity and highlight Aboriginal heritage in the area.
Malcolm Fisher who helped start the group says that “Bushcare is a great way to get the community aware of local issues and aware of the environment. We learn so much about native plants, and it's amazing to see some very inspiring people involved, from kids doing Duke of Edinburgh to volunteers in their eighties.”
We want to congratulate all the volunteers who have worked so hard over the last 20 years – an amazing effort from an amazing group of people!