Council manages around 17km2 of bushland and a further 114km2 is in the local National Parks. Extensive areas of local bushland are under State Government ownership and within local schools, golf courses and other private land holdings.
Our bushland is under heavy pressures from development and climate change. Development is reducing the amount of bushland we have and climate change is predicted to put stress on our bushland from climatic shifts and extreme weather events such as bush fires, storms, heat waves and prolonged drought.
We care for our valuable bushland that is home to numerous threatened species by protecting native plants and animals, carrying out bush regeneration and eliminating weeds and feral animals.
Bushland management activities do not include:
- Removal of trees that aren't under Council's care and responsibility.
- Removal, topping or height reduction of trees to improve views.
- Removal of trees for leaf, fruit or sap drop, or for bird or bat droppings.
- Removal of trees for solar access, or damage to sewer pipes/built structures (unless all engineering alternatives have been considered).
- Removal of healthy and stable trees.
- Chemical control for native animals or insects (unless deemed absolutely necessary, such as for bee or termite control).