The Northern Beaches is fortunate in having many areas of natural beauty. Council partners with local residents to preserve and maintain these areas through our Bushcare program. Bushcare involves removing weeds and encouraging regeneration of native plants. 

Bushcare is all about community volunteers working with Council to conserve and rehabilitate publicly owned natural bushland. There are over 450 volunteers who work at over 50 different sites throughout the Northern Beaches. 

Bushcare encompasses:

  • Dunecare – revegetating and restoring our dune systems
  • Creekcare – caring for and cleaning up our creeks
  • Lagooncare – limiting litter and creating healthy lagoons
  • Forestcare – promoting diversity, canopy and habitat for native animals and insects
  • Wetlandcare – protecting vital habitat and healthy waterways

Bushcare groups work at set times through the year, for two or three hours each month.

No experience is needed. We have activities to suit all levels of participation.

Tools, training and guidance in bush regeneration techniques, and morning or afternoon tea are provided! 

View the Position Description - Bushcare 

Bushcare Site Map

View an interactive map of all our sites on the Northern Beaches

Become a Bushcare Volunteer

  1. Check out the site map and select a preferred site.
  2. Join the Northern Beaches Council Bushcare Group on our Volunteer Platform - Be Collective - Join Here
  3. You can select the opportunity that is right for you and we will get in contact with you to book you into one of our regular Bushcare sessions.
  4. Complete an onsite induction with one of our qualified supervisors.
  5. Start your first volunteer shift.

Community Nurseries

Our Community Nursery Program enlists the help of dedicated volunteers who propagate thousands of indigenous plants (including rare species) each year. These plants can then be used by Bushcare volunteers or by Council as part of our ongoing works program.

  • Manly Dam Community Nursery - Every Friday morning from 8.30am to 12.30pm
  • North Curl Curl Community Nursery - Every Monday from 9am to 12pm

Receive the Bushcare Buzz

Our monthly newsletter provides up-to-date news and events for our Bushcare volunteers who work over 50 different sites across the Northern Beaches. 

More information

Contact the Bushcare Team: 

Bushcare group stories

Learn more about our hardworking Bushcare Groups and the challenges and successes they have had with their regeneration work.


Bushcare photo competition

See the winners of the annual Northern Beaches Council Bushcare photo competition


Community Nurseries

We operate and manage 2 nurseries that grow and supply over 25,000 plants with the assistance of community volunteers. 


Corporate Environmental Volunteering

We combine environmental education, team and community building and getting out into the local environment to improve and restore our...


The Northern Beaches Wildflower Project

What is it?

We're looking to re-wild some suitable Council-owned public land with meadows of low growing native wildflowers and grasses.

wildlfower meadow xerochrysum