North Harbour Bushcare Group was formally started in about 1992, after a volunteer in the group received a grant from Manly Council for some tools and equipment. Prior to this, Sylvia and Diane (two long standing volunteers) had worked on the site from the late 1980s after noticing Morning Glory was threatening several native trees.
Many other long-term volunteers have worked throughout the years to restore this reserve and limit weed growth. Currently the group has about 6 regular members, with some extra volunteers popping in from time to time, including those from the North Harbour Community Group.
The group has worked for almost 30 years to ensure that many of the weeds which previously impacted the site are under control. The team is currently working now to maintain the trees on site, including several large figs and Magnolias, to limit weed growth including the spread of Morning Glory, Bidens, Tradescantia and Acetosa, and to provide enhanced habitat and food sources for native birds. There was even a sighting of a Powerful Owl in the reserve over the summer!
Sylvia Bell, who has been a long standing and dedicated volunteer at the site, has said that she was motivated to volunteer because:
I have always been a bushwalker, and had an appreciation of the natural beauty of the environment and the area I live in. We all need to maintain our native bushland areas for the beautiful animals and plants that thrive in these areas, and for the future of our children and the generations to come.
North Harbour Bushcare Group always welcomes new volunteers, with the group particularly priding themselves on a great morning tea! Feel free to contact the site supervisor for more information or to have a chat about volunteering at North Harbour Reserve.