An extensive engagement program was pivotal to develop, deliver, and evaluate the Brookvale Structure Plan.

Stakeholders were actively encouraged to provide feedback at all stages and their input played a crucial role in shaping the final plan.

Engagement methods included workshops with key stakeholders and Chamber of Commerce groups, attendance at business briefing events, community workshops, Local Government NSW Tourism and Visitor Conference presentations, local school presentations, online forums, and

The project was also promoted through social media, web, email marketing and local media platforms, and hardcopy notices sent to over 10,000 residents and displays were at
Council’s library.

The project team consulted with internal experts from Council and State Agencies to ensure that the assumptions used in the technical studies used to inform the evidence base was accurate and practical.

Council was delighted with the engagement outcomes which is reflected in the positive results:

  • 300 submissions on the final draft, which was more than double the previous exhibition period where 108 submissions were received
  • +1,500 webinar views
  • +22,000 social media post views
  • +270 attendees across in-person events.