The Development Determination Panel (DDP) is an internal Northern Beaches Council Panel meeting that has delegated authority to make decisions (known as determinations) on development applications and other related applications of local significance.
The DDP replaces three Development Unit panels (the DU-PLEP, DU-WLEP and the DAU-MLEP) from the former Pittwater, Warringah and Manly council areas. The functions and delegations to determine applications of the new DDP integrate with the Northern Beaches Local Planning Panel (NBLPP).
DDP meetings generally occur on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month. In addition to the normal scheduled meetings, extraordinary meetings may occur as needed.
Agendas and Minutes
Outcomes of the meetings are made available by way of minutes, which will generally be published on Council’s website.
What applications are handled by the DDP?
Following a review of the Charter, the criteria for referral to the DPP have been amended on 30 June 2022, which take effect immediately. The changes bring the referral of applications into similar alignment with Local Planning Panel criteria, and also focus on the more contentious local development.
The DDP is responsible for determining applications which meet any of the following criteria:
- Any application with five or more objections
- Any application for Modification of Consent under section 4.55(2) (formerly S96(2)) in relation to a development application previously determined by the DDP or its previous equivalent panel that:
- proposes amendments to a condition of development consent recommended in the council assessment report but which was amended by the panel, or
- proposes amendments to a condition of development consent that was not included in the council assessment report but which was added by the panel, or
- exceeds or increases a non-compliance with a Local Environmental Plan development standard relating to Building height or Floor Space Ratio
- Any Review of Determination under Section 8.2 for a development previously determined by the DDP, its previous equivalent panel, or by a Manager
- Any other application at the discretion of the CEO, Director, Planning Place and Community or the Executive Manager, Development Assessment
- Following advice received from the Department of Planning, Industry & Environment (letter dated 2 November 2021) applications for Class 1 buildings (single dwelling houses) with a Clause 4.6 variation greater than 10% to building height within the Warringah Local Environment Plan 2011, Manly Local Environment Plan 2013 and Pittwater Local Environment Plan 2014 and floor space ratio under the Manly Local Environment Plan 2013, may be determined by Council staff under delegation in accordance with Council procedures.
- Further advice was received from the Department of Planning, Industry & Environment (letter dated 2 March 2022) granting an extension to the above to include Warringah Local Environmental Plan 2000 built form controls.
How do I make a submission to the DDP?
The DDP determines applications in a closed meeting. However, members of the public may make a written submission or alternatively register to address panel members on the assessment report, recommendations and/or conditions of consent.
Written submissions and registrations to address the Panel must be sent via email by 12 midday the day prior to the meeting. Alternatively, contact the Panel Coordinator on 1300 434 434.
Speakers will be limited to three minutes with time extended at the discretion of the Chair. Where there are a number of objectors with a common interest, the panel may, in its absolute discretion, hear a representative of those persons.
Whilst Council will undertake to cater for all representations, late submissions/registrations may not be able to be considered.
Panel members have access to all written submissions made during the course of the assessment and so representations should not revisit issues previously raised.
For more detailed information on the operational aspects of the DDP, please refer to the DDP Charter.
Development Determination Panel - Business Papers
The DDP replaces three Development Unit panels from the former Pittwater, Warringah and Manly council areas. The functions and delegations to determine applications of the new DDP integrate with the Northern Beaches Local Planning Panel (NBLPP).