The Sydney North Planning Panel (SNPP) determine regionally significant development applications (DAs), certain other DAs and s4.55(2) and s4.56 modification applications that include:
- Regionally significant development, as outlined in Schedule 6 of the State Environmental Planning Policy Planning Systems 2021.
- Regionally significant development relating to Aboriginal land, as outlined in Chapter 2 of the State Environmental Planning Policy Planning Systems 2021.
- Development with a Capital Investment Value (CIV)* over $30 million.
- Development with a CIV* over $5 million which is:
- council related
- lodged by or on behalf of the Crown (State of NSW)
- private infrastructure and community facilities
- eco-tourism facilities
- extractive industries, waste facilities and marinas that are designated development
- certain coastal subdivisions
- certain coastal protection works.
*Capital Investment Value (CIV) is calculated at the time of lodgement of the DA for the purpose of determining whether an application should go to a Planning Panel - refer to Planning Circular PS 10-008.
SNPP Meeting
At the meeting, the panel will consider the DA and hear from stakeholders and members of the public. After hearing submissions, the panel may make a decision about the DA or recommend another course of action.
Any person is welcome to attend or listen to a public meeting held by a Planning Panel. If you wish to address the panel, or listen to a panel meeting, you must register by contacting the Planning Panels for instructions to join the meeting.
State Government Planning Panels Information
- Sydney & Regional Planning Panels - Search tool for upcoming and determined matters, find out more about the various Planning Panels, regionally significant Development Application process, Planning Circulars and advisory notes etc.
- Review the details of upcoming meetings and specific application details.
Outcomes of the meetings are made available by way of determinations, which will be published on Council’s website.