
The NSW Government has made local planning panels mandatory for all Councils in the Greater Sydney region and Wollongong City Council. From 1 March 2018 these Panels will be now known as Local Planning Panels (LPP). The Panels have been put in place so that the process of assessment and determination of development applications is transparent and accountable.

Further information on the legislation and LPPs is outlined on the Department of Planning, Housing and Infrastructure's website(Opens in a new window)(Opens in a new window)(Opens in a new window) which contains other useful fact sheets and FAQs.

Panel Meeting Operations

Panel members

The Panel consists of four members being:

  • The Chair – with expertise in law,
  • Two professionals with expertise in urban design, planning or other related field, and
  • One community representative from the Local Government Area

View the Northern Beaches Local Planning Panel Members
View the NSW Department of Planning Code of Conduct for LPP members

Panel meeting guidelines

  1. Panel meetings are usually held twice per month (excluding January). Agendas are available on Council’s website, usually seven days prior. Public meetings are currently held via teleconferencing.
  2. The Panel is bound by the Code of Conduct for Local Planning Panel Members(Opens in a new window)(Opens in a new window)(Opens in a new window) approved by the Minister for Planning. As required by the Code, Panel members must sign a declaration disclosing whether they have a conflict of interest in relation to any matter on the agenda for the meeting. After the meeting, the declarations will be published on Council’s website.
  3. Prior to the meeting the Panel will have been briefed with Council’s assessment report, submissions and other relevant documents relating to each agenda item. And the Panel usually will have carried out a site inspection in order to better understand the issues. Submissions generally are not received at site meetings. Council staff may be present as appropriate.
  4. Any written submissions after publication of the agenda containing Council’s assessment report should be lodged by no later than noon two days before the Panel meeting. Any such written submissions should be limited to addressing any matter contained in the assessment report that there was no reasonable opportunity to address prior to publication of the assessment report.

  5. Public meetings provide an opportunity to make oral submissions. Speakers should register to speak via email. Written submissions and material are generally not accepted at the meeting since there will have been prior opportunity to provide them. However, if a legal representative seeks to make a new submission on a matter of law, it should be in writing. If written submissions or material are accepted, they will be published on Council’s website.
  6. Public meetings are video and audio recorded. The meetings are open to the public via a Teams link and the meeting recorded and published on Council’s website.
  7. Objectors (and any submitters in support of the application) will be heard before the applicant. 
  8. A speaker will have three minutes to speak (whereupon a bell will ring). An extension may be granted at the Chair’s discretion. In considering whether the applicant will be granted extra speaking time, the Chair will take into account the number and nature of objectors' submissions to which the applicant may need to respond. Where there are a large number of speakers with a common interest, the Panel may hear their representative (who may be subject to the same three minute time constraint) with a view to discharging the Panel’s responsibilities in a timely way.
  9. Speakers should be clear and concise. Repeating matters already raised by previous speakers is unnecessary: it is sufficient for a speaker to acknowledge that they hold similar views. Speakers should use respectful language: defamatory or rude language will not be tolerated. At the end of an oral submission the speaker should remain seated to give Panelists the opportunity to ask questions.
  10. Once all speakers in relation to all matters on the agenda have finished, the Chair will close the public meeting and the Panel will move into a closed session to deliberate and determine all matters on the agenda. The Chair has a casting vote in the event of a deadlock. A closed session will not be recorded. During a closed session the Panel may seek clarification or answers to questions from Council staff or applicants or others, but they are precluded from participating in the Panel’s deliberations and determinations.
  11. Minutes are usually published on the Council website within three working days of the meeting.

Addressing the Panel

If you would like to address the Panel, you will need to register by 4.00pm the day before the scheduled meeting by email and including the DA number, your name, address and if you are speaking for or against the application or by phoning 1300 434 434.

Speakers will be limited to three minutes with time extended at the discretion of the Chair. Where there are a number of objectors with a common interest, the panel may, in its absolute discretion, hear a representative of those persons.

Types of applications referred to the Panel

Development Applications determined by the Panel

1. Conflict of Interest

Development for which the applicant or land owner is:

  • the council
  • a councillor,
  • a member of council staff who is principally involved in the exercise of council's functions under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979,
  • a member of Parliament (either the Parliament of New South Wales or Parliament of the Commonwealth), or
  • a relative (within the meaning of the Local Government Act 1993) of a person referred to in bullet points 2 - 4 above.

but not development for the following purposes:

  • internal alterations and additions to any building that is not a heritage item,
  • advertising signage,
  • maintenance and restoration of a heritage item, or
  • minor building structures projecting from the building facade over public land (such as awnings, verandas, bay windows, flagpoles, pipes and services, and sun shading devices).

2. Contentious development

Development that:

  • in the case of a council having an approved submissions policy - is the subject of the number of submissions set by that policy, or
  • in any other case - is the subject of 10 or more unique submissions by way of objection.

3. Departure from development standards

  • Development that contravenes a development standard imposed by an environmental planning instrument by more than 10% or non-numerical development standards. Council may assume the Secretary's concurrence to enable staff to determine development applications for Class 1 buildings (single dwelling houses) and Class 10 (non-habitable development) where the development contravenes a numerical standard by greater than 10% for height of buildings and floor space ratio.

4. Sensitive development

  • Designated development.
  • Development to which State Environmental Planning Policy No 65 - Design Quality of Residential Apartment Development applies and is 4 or more storeys in height.
  • Development involving the demolition of a heritage item.
  • Development for the purposes of new licensed premises, that will require one of the following liquor licences:
    (i) a club licence under the Registered Clubs Act 1976,
    (ii) a hotel (general bar) licence under the Liquor Act 2007, or
    (iii) an on-premises licence for public entertainment venues under the Liquor Act 2007.
  • Development for the purpose of sex services premises and restricted premises.
  • Development applications for which the developer has offered to enter into a planning agreement.

5. Modification applications

Modification applications under section 4.55(2) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 for the modification of development consents granted by the Panel that:

  • propose amendments to a condition of development consent recommended in the council assessment report but which was amended by the Panel, or
  • propose amendments to a condition of development consent that was not included in the council assessment report but which was added by the Panel, or
  • meet the criteria for development applications with a conflict of interest, contentious development or departure from development standards as detailed in points 1-4 above.

Planning Proposals evaluated by the Panel

Planning proposals prepared after 1 June 2018 are referred to the Panel for advice, unless Council’s General Manager determines the planning proposal relates to:

  • the correction of an obvious error in a local environmental plan,
  • matters that are of consequential, transitional, machinery or other minor nature, or
  • matters that will not have any significant adverse impact on the environment or adjoining land.

The Panel must have given its advice on the proposal before Council considers whether or not to forward it to the Minister or the Greater Sydney Commission under Section 3.34 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.


Departure from development standard - Class 1 & 10 - Delegation from DPHI to Council

Pursuant to s2.20(8) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (Act), the Northern Beaches Local Planning Panel (Panel) delegates to the Northern Beaches Council’s Development Determination Panel:

Exercise the functions of the Local Planning Panel under Part 4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 in relation to development applications and modification applications in the following circumstances;

All class 1 & 10 buildings where the development contravenes a numerical standard by greater than 10% in the following circumstances: 

• height of buildings under the Warringah LEP 2011, Manly LEP 20213 and Pittwater LEP 2014; and 

• floor space ratio under the Manly LEP 2013. 

• Any built form control considered a development standard under the B2 and C8 Localities of Warringah LEP 2000 

This delegation will lapse on gazettal of the Northern Beaches consolidated LEP. 

Departures from development standards class 2-9 and heritage items – Delegation from LPP to Council

Pursuant to s2.20(8) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (Act), the Northern Beaches Local Planning Panel (Panel) delegates to Northern Beaches Council's Chief Executive Officer (General Manager), Director Planning & Place, and Executive Manager Development Assessment: 

the functions of the Local Planning Panel under Part 4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 in relation to development applications and modification applications in the following circumstances;  

1. where there is a pre-existing non-compliance of more than 10% for a class 2-9 building under clause 4.3 Height of buildings of the Manly Local Environmental Plan 2013, Pittwater Local Environmental Plan 2014 or Warringah Local Environmental Plan 2011, and the development does not result in any further overall/maximum non-compliance in height,  

2. where there is a pre-existing non-compliance of more than 10% for a class 2-9 building under clause 4.4 Floor space ratio of Manly Local Environmental Plan 2013, Pittwater Local Environmental Plan 2014 or Warringah Local Environmental Plan 2011 and the development does: a. not result in changes to the extent of the building envelope; and b. results in only a minor increase to the gross floor area (for example balcony enclosure or similar) 

3. where development involving the demolition of a heritage item, and the works (including removal or pruning of trees): 

a. will have no more than a minimal impact on the heritage integrity of the item, and 

b. Council’s heritage advisor supports the proposal.

Land and Environment Court Appeal functions – Delegations from LPP to Council

Pursuant to s2.20(8) of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (Act), the Northern Beaches Local Planning Panel (Panel) delegates to Northern Beaches Council's Chief Executive Officer (General Manager), and General Counsel: 

the functions of the Panel referred to in s8.15(4) of the Act of control and direction of appeals under Division 8.3 of Part 8 of the Act (Appeal) against a determination or decision made by the Panel, subject to the conditions and limitations described below;

Conditions and Limitations Applying to Delegated Functions 

In the case of an Appeal relating to a determination or decision of the Panel that is contrary to a Council officer's development assessment report, the Chief Executive Officer (General Manager), or General Counsel, or their delegate will consult with the Chair of the Panel that made the determination or decision (or the Chair's nominee) as to the conduct of the Appeal. In the case of all Appeals the Chief Executive Officer (General Manager), or General Counsel, or their delegate, will keep that Panel Chair (or the Chair's nominee) informed as to major developments in, and the outcome of, the Appeal.

Agendas and minutes

Agendas are available usually 7 days prior to the meeting with the minutes posted once confirmed by the Chair.


Northern Beaches Local Planning Panel Members

View the Northern Beaches Local Planning Panel Members, their expertise and their pecuniary interest
