The Northern Beaches offers seniors a diverse range of educational and volunteer opportunities, and social and exercise activities to help keep you active, engaged, and connected with your community.
Northern Beaches Seniors Directory
The best place to start researching activities for seniors is in our Seniors Directory. Copies of the Directory are available from Council customer service centres, libraries and community centres.
Alternatively contact our Community Development Team (Seniors) on 8495 6618 or seniors@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au.
Education and leisure
There are a number of education and leisure activities on the Northern Beaches. These include art, craft and hobby groups, cards and board games, computer groups, and education and learning on a range of topics including history, photography, technology and languages. View the list in the Seniors Directory
Fitness and exercise
Organised activities include aqua fitness, bowls, croquet, table tennis, Lifeball, gentle exercise, walking groups, and various styles of dancing. View the list in the Seniors Directory
You can search for exercise programs for seniors in your area on the NSW Health Active & Healthy website.
We also have seniors programs at the Warringah Aquatic Centre and Manly "Andrew Boy Charlton" Fitness Centre.
Social clubs and outings
Social connection is of vital importance at any age and particularly so as we get older. There are plenty of options on offer including seniors clubs, Aboriginal and multicultural groups, luncheon clubs, and service clubs. View the list in the Seniors Directory
Council's volunteer programs are a great way to be in involved in your local community. View our list of community volunteer opportunities.
More information
Contact our Community Development Team (Seniors) on 8495 6618 or seniors@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au
What's on?
The events below have been curated for seniors - see the full What’s On Event Calendar.
DanceMoves for Carers

Seniors Festival: Free Gentle Exercises Classes and 50% Off Swimwear (Warringah Aquatic Centre)

Seniors Festival: Social Scrabble at Glen Street Library

Seniors Festival: Living Well at Home, Aged Care Seminar

Seniors Festival: Free Gentle Exercises Classes (Forestville Memorial Hall)

Seniors Festival: Social Scrabble at Mona Vale Library

The Limestone Road with Nicole Alexander

Seniors Festival: Dementia Support Information Session at Warringah Mall Library

Gather at the Gallery: Seniors Festival

Gather at the Gallery: Seniors

Government digital support sessions at Warringah Mall

Seniors Festival: Digital Support - Getting started with Apple iPhone at Mona Vale Library

Seniors Festival: Starry Starry Sky

Seniors Festival: Family History Fridays at Dee Why

Open Mic Night
Seniors Festival: Chair yoga for seniors - free session
Seniors Festival: Aboriginal Heritage Walk, Manly Dam

Ways to reduce your Cost of Living - Information Session at Warringah Mall

Income Streams Information Session at Glen Street

Government digital support sessions at Warringah Mall

Gather at the Gallery: Seniors

Open Mic Night

Government digital support sessions at Warringah Mall

Gather at the Gallery: Seniors

Accommodation Options Information Session at Mona Vale

Scams Awareness Information Session at Forestville

Open Mic Night

Ways to reduce your Cost of Living - Information Session at Warringah Mall

Government digital support sessions at Warringah Mall

Gather at the Gallery: Seniors

Age Care Information Session at Warringah Mall

Open Mic Night

Open Mic Night

Open Mic Night

Open Mic Night