Dementia Friendly Community
The Northern Beaches Dementia Alliance and Council are working towards making our area a Dementia Friendly Community.
Dementia Friendly Communities are places where people living with dementia feel safe and supported to live well. In these communities, people living with dementia feel understood and valued. This is important as two out of three people with dementia live in their community – not aged care.
Dementia is the second leading cause of death in Australia and the leading cause of death for women in Australia.
It is estimated there are more than 400,000 Australians living with dementia. Without a medical breakthrough, this number is expected to more than double by 2058.
With a greater proportion of older residents than the Sydney, NSW and national average, the Northern Beaches will be particularly impacted by dementia.
Prevalence of dementia in the Northern Beaches is estimated as 5,602 (2021) with this number set to grow to 13,378 by 2058 (Dementia Australia; 2018).
Sadly Dementia affects children too. Childhood dementia results from progressive brain damage and is caused by over 70 rare genetic disorders. Children also suffer from symptoms like confusion, loss of memory, loss of speech and more. Learn more about childhood dementia.
Northern Beaches Dementia Alliance
The Northern Beaches Dementia Alliance implements a community action plan with dementia-friendly actions including dementia awareness raising events such as morning teas and expos, a quarterly newsletter, a website with useful resources, and actions to encourage local businesses to become dementia friendly organisations.
How can you get involved?
For more information, contact the Northern Beaches Dementia Alliance on dementiaalliancenb@gmail.com
Northern Beaches Council - Dementia Friendly Organisation
In May 2021, Council signed a Statement of Commitment to commit the organisation to a Dementia Friendly Organisation Action Plan. The Plan provides a roadmap to prioritise actions to ensure all areas of Council are more dementia friendly.
With this commitment, Council has been recognised by Dementia Australia as "working towards becoming a dementia friendly organisation".
Actions are ongoing and include:
- Dementia awareness training of frontline staff.
- Dementia-friendly audits of Council facilities – with audit recommendations being implemented.
- Staff representation on the Northern Beaches Dementia Alliance including support for Alliance projects such as dementia-friendly community events and activities.
For more information visit Dementia Australia.
Services and supports
Supports and services for those living with dementia and their carers can also be found in the Northern Beaches Seniors Directory and on the Northern Beaches Dementia Alliance website.
Proveda - Dementia Advisory Service, Chatter'cino Dementia Cafes and Belong Club
Dementia Advisory Service: Provides information, advice, and guidance for people with dementia, their family and carers. Call 1300 002 262 or email: hello@proveda.com.au
Chatter ‘Cino': Dementia friendly coffee meetups at Terrey Hills on the first Tuesday, Balgowlah on the second Thursday and Dee Why on the third Friday of the month. Call 1300 002 262 or email hello@proveda.com.au
Belong Club: Belong Club offers a diverse range of weekly activities both online and in-person, for anyone looking to try something new, re-ignite old passions, socialise, and connect with the community. Call 1300 002 262 or email belongclub@ccnb.com.au
Memory Lane Café – Avalon
Provides friendship and support while enjoying some entertainment and refreshments. Supported Dementia Australia staff and volunteers. Suitable for people living dementia, their family and friends. Every 6 weeks, Wednesday 10am – 12pm, Avalon Recreational Centre. Email/call to register. 0482 188 147, NSW.memorylanecafe@dementia.org.au
MWP Care - Mindful Brews Dementia Cafe
For people living with dementia and their partners, family and carers. Provides an opportunity to meet with others in a relaxed atmosphere. Share conversation, ideas and information over a cuppa and something to eat.
Held first Thursday of the month, 10am - 12pm, 3 Gondola Road, North Narrabeen. Bookings essential: 9913 3244 or email: lmancini@mwpcare.com.au
Anglicare - Dementia Advisory Service and Carer Support Group
Dementia Advisory Service - provides information, education, and support to improve the wellbeing of people with dementia and their carers: 1300 111 278. Website
Dementia Carer Support Group - held on the third Tuesday each month, 10 - 11.30am, 14 Rodborough Road, Frenchs Forest. To register call Jess on 0438 831 446.
Hammond Care Social Clubs – Northern Beaches
An inclusive environment where people who have cognition issues and/ or are frail aged can connect with their community and socialise. Also provides a carer with respite. Clubs on the Northern Beaches:
Beachcomber Social Club – Manly: Wednesdays and Thursdays, 9:30am - 3pm. Beachcombersocialclub@hammond.com.au
Sanderling Social Club – Cromer: Mondays and Wednesdays, 9:30am - 3pm. 0422 000 882, SanderlingSocialClub@hammond.com.au
Watergum Social Club – Mona Vale: Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, 9:30am - 3pm. Watergumsocialclub@hammond.com.au
Sing for Joy - Dementia Friendly Choir
Free community choir for people living with dementia and their carers. Sing familiar songs follow by morning tea.
Held 10.30am Tuesdays at Seaforth Baptist Church, 31 Frenchs Forest Road, Seaforth.
For more information call 0402 190 946 or email sharon.stoddart@utas.edu.au
National Dementia Helpline
A free, confidential phone support and webchat service which operates nationally. Provides information on: 1800 100 500.
- Dementia and memory loss
- Ways to reduce the risk of dementia
- Government support services including My Aged Care, Carer Gateway and Centrelink
- Services in your area
- Emotional support to help manage the impact of dementia
Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre
The Centre at The University of Tasmania currently runs two MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) – the Understanding Dementia MOOC and the Preventing Dementia MOOC. Both courses are free of charge.