Scores on Doors is a NSW food business hygiene rating program. It enables consumers to make informed choices about where to eat or shop for food. The program drives food safety by displaying information about the hygiene standards in all retail food premises including restaurants, pub bistros, cafés, takeaways, and hotels.
Visible Hygiene Scores
Certificates displayed at food premises, give you information about their hygiene standards following an inspection by one of our officers. It’s not easy to judge hygiene standards on appearance alone. Scores on Doors certificates give you an idea of what’s going on in the kitchen, behind closed doors.
Consumer Choice
You can check the scores and use the information to choose a business with higher standards and share it with friends and family.
Scores on Doors ratings recognise businesses with the highest standards and encourage others to improve.
All Retail Food Outlets
Driving food safety awareness reduces the incidence of food poisoning which currently affects around 5.4 million Australians every year. Scores on Doors’ participation extends to all kinds of eat in and takeaway food businesses, including school canteens and childcare centres.
Rigorous ratings
Council Environmental Health Officers make regular inspections to determine if businesses meet food hygiene regulations. Inspectors look at the way food is handled and prepared. They check the condition of premises for cleanliness, ventilation and other key elements. Officers need to be confident food handling practices are maintained at the highest standards.
Key Ratings Areas
All businesses can achieve the top rating of Excellent. To do that businesses must score well in each area of, Food Handling, Condition of Premises and Process Management.
Food premises awarded ‘no grade’ and not given a certificate are very likely to be performing poorly in all 3 elements.
Improving Your Ratings
Council will act to ensure minimum standards are achieved.
‘No Grade’ businesses cannot improve their rating until the next routine inspection.
Improve your chances before your inspection and do a self-check. Make sure you address the five most common issues found by council officers.
Download the inspection checklist and see what you need to get right.