Person screen printing an abstract landscape with bright blue ink

Screen printing workshop with Evelyn Bracewell.

Grant writing webinars

Grant writing instructional videos and presentations have been prepared for applicants to use to help improve your skills and understanding of grants, and increase your chances of securing a grant for your projects and programs.

Head to our general Grant Resources page to see a range of resources available to help make your application the best it can be.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Protocol

If working with First Nations creatives, intellectual property and/or cultural themes, we recommend reading the following resources:

Cultural Diversity


  • Accessible Arts NSW
    The peak arts and disability organisation in New South Wales. They advance the rights of, and opportunities for, people with disability or who are d/Deaf to develop and sustain professional careers in the arts and have equitable access to arts and culture across NSW.


  • Council’s policy on Single Use Plastics
    We ask that projects adhere to our Single Use Plastics Policy. 
  • Theatre Green Book
    Practical tips and comprehensive sustainability plans. 
  • Sustainable Theatres Australia
    A collective of theatremakers and administrators who are passionately dedicated to the mission of creating a more sustainable Australian theatre industry.
  • Julie’s Bicycle
    A pioneering not-for-profit, mobilising the arts and culture to take action on the climate and ecological crisis.
  • NIDA Green
    Resources and best-practice examples from the National Institute of Dramatic Art

Northern Beaches Council

Reading our documents may help you frame your project in accordance with the Objectives referred to in the Guidelines.