You can find out what’s on at Council-run theatres and art galleries. Or you can join workshops and hear artists' or writers’ talks, provide feedback on development and policies, or have an input into Council projects. Maybe you need information about road closures. You’ll find announcements on all these and more...

Council Easter holiday operating hours and services
Northern Beaches Council is reminding the community of changed opening hours over the Easter holiday period.Customer Service CentresAll four customer...
Careel Creek gets its flow on
Creeks and waterways play a valuable role in complex ecosystems and often have diverse ‘riparian vegetation’ that provide habitat and...
Keeping our precious penguins safe
We’re very lucky to have a population of little penguins (Eudyptula minor) living right here on our doorstep. In fact...

Why the Environmental Art & Design Prize matters to judge and designer Adam Goodrum
The state of the environment and our impact on it as humans is confronting daily news. But how can we...

Call for Artists - growing Council's Street Art
Northern Beaches Council is currently looking for four new public artworks to add to its growing collection of Street Art...

Call for Artists - growing Council's Street Art
Northern Beaches Council is currently looking for four new public artworks to add to its growing collection of Street Art...

Council’s It takes a Village program goes into its second year for Neighbour Day
Did you know that since launching last year, there have been over 1,600 residents participating in Council’s It takes a...

Stay-cay all day! We’ve got the school holidays covered on the Beaches
Get the kids out of the house these school holidays with fun trips and activities that can take you from...

Switch off for nature this Earth Hour
Show your support for action on climate change and nature by switching off for Earth Hour this Saturday, 25 March...
Calling venues and creatives on the Beaches
The Northern Beaches is home to a vibrant and diverse creative community and has been a place of cultural practice...

Caroline Rothwell on why the Environmental Art and Design Prize is so important
The forms of flora and fauna, weather systems and inky carbon have all inspired artist, Caroline Rothwell, who joins the...

Fact or Fiction? Forestville Library 24/7 launches
Whether you’re pulling an all-nighter to get that uni assignment finished, wanting some “me” time to read your book in...

When your green bin faces logs of problems
Did you know your vegetation and wood waste ends up as landscaping, agricultural and garden supplies across NSW? All the...

Businesses on the Northern Beaches power ahead with renewable energy deal
We’re all feeling the pinch lately and with sky-rocketing energy costs, some of our local businesses are doing it tough...

What’s going on at Narrabeen Lagoon?
If you live near Narrabeen Lagoon or have recently driven past the Ocean Street Bridge you would have seen our...

6000 native trees and plants to help green our spaces
Over 6,000 native trees, shrubs and ground cover will soon be greening spaces on the Northern Beaches.

Have your say on threats to Pittwater and Cowan Creek
The Pittwater Waterway and Cowan Creek are renowned for their beautiful beaches, natural rivers and estuaries that teem with aquatic...

It’s official: The Wyatt Avenue Bike Park is now open!
Wyatt Avenue Belrose is now home to the Northern Beaches’ newest mountain bike park. Designed and built by Council’s own...

The Northern Beaches' newest bike park is nearly here!
Wyatt Avenue Bike Park opens Monday 30 January A new bike park is just around the corner for Northern Beaches...

What kind of future do young people want? They’ve told us!
Over 1,000 local young people told us their bright ideas, suggestions and solutions, and how they’re feeling right now to...