We’re happy to help the media with questions and story ideas about the Northern Beaches.

Please call the media team on 0481 907 545 or email media@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au

Title Date Sort ascending
Council's latest synthetic sportsfields officially opened at Lionel Watts Reserve
Community grant funding approved
Council adopts shared transport policy and bike share guidelines
Absolute Abstraction at MAGAM
Works complete to reduce rock-fall risk in Narrabeen
Sydney photographers in two exciting new exhibitions
Be a part of Manly Jazz
Picasso and His Dog at Glen Street Theatre
Pittwater Waterway Strategy adopted
A responsible budget delivering $453.5 million back to you
Footpath extension links Clareville residents with Avalon
Council now an accredited White Ribbon workplace
Council to put Manly Dam forward for national heritage honours
Plans for Little Manly Beach to go on public exhibition
Success for Council at NSW Local Government Awards Night
Have your say on the future of Northern Beaches tourism
Swap for Good Expo
Artists encouraged to join Northern Beaches Public Art Artist Panel
Council in first biobank deal with State Government
Be wild – Enter the 2019 Young Writers’ Competition