If you or someone you know is in crisis, call Lifeline on 13 11 14. If life is in danger, call 000.
Get help now
If you see or know somebody you’re worried about, get help now.
- Emergency - 000
- Lifeline - 13 11 14
- Lifeline Text - 0477 13 11 14
- MensLine - 1300 789 978
- Suicide Call Back Service - 1300 65 94 67
- NSW Mental Health Line - 1800 011 511
- Kids Help Line - 1800 55 1800
- Beyond Blue online chat (3pm-midnight) - beyondblue.org.au
Mental Health Support Services
Find out about crisis support services, local mental health services and national mental health initiatives on the Mental Heath Services page.
Reach out
Reach out to those you think may be struggling by:
- Ask directly if they’re thinking about suicide
- Listen and stay with them
- Get help. Call Lifeline, or if life is in danger call 000
- Look after yourself. Talk to a friend, family member or Lifeline about your experience
Training opportunities
For information about other training opportunities, please contact any of the following:
Volunteer opportunities
There are a large number of volunteering opportunities available to assist people at increased risk of social isolation, loneliness and mental illness on the Northern Beaches.
NB Cares
NB Cares is a community-led local suicide prevention network working together to reduce suicide and its impacts in the community, including stigma. New members (over 18 years) are welcome to join the group and attend the meetings. You can join the effort to raise awareness and make an impact on suicide prevention.
We are a Safe Space for anybody in our community to come to if they are in emotional distress. Here you will find caring peer support volunteers who will provide you with comfort, a cuppa, safety and who will listen with no judgement. Find out more
Proveda are looking for volunteers to be Community Companions within the Northern Beaches area. This social support program aims to link older individuals who are socially isolated with you, our Community Companions. Find out more
Volunteers that work directly with LocalKind are engaged in a number of different roles including customer service and information provision, fundraising, ESL mentors, volunteer driving instructors and social media. Find out more
Lifeline Northern Beaches
Lifeline Northern Beaches are supported by over 600 volunteers who make their services possible. Contact Lifeline today if you’d like to get involved. As well as helping us care for people in our community, you’ll meet new people and even learn new skills. Not to mention have fun along the way. Find out more.
Northern Beaches Community Connect
Community Connect's Volunteer Program connects people with volunteer positions in not-for-profit organisations throughout the Northern Beaches Council area. This program is funded by the Federal Government under the Commonwealth Home Support Program. Find out more
Northern Beaches Council
Council has a number of volunteering opportunities available in community services such as Meals on Wheels and our Home Library service. Find out more
More information
Email the Community Development team at communitydevelopment@northernbeaches.nsw.gov.au